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July 28, 2015
       July 28, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson, Renee McDonough, Brian Keevan and David Caporello from the PCC were in attendance as well as Brett Trowbridge Associate Member.
John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
  • PCC received revised plans for 1 Rhodes Road, Princeton for Martha Upton from Northland Engineering for changes to the tank and tank line.  PCC discussed this and found the changes to be acceptable.
  • An Enforcement Order was issued to Mr. Gerald Oberhelman at 296 Sterling Road, Princeton.  Mark Arnold, Consultant for Mr. Oberhalman gave the PCC an evaluation of the extent of the activity/violations on the property.   On July 20, 2015 John Vieira and Brian Keevan meet with Mark Arnold from Goddard Consulting.  Renee McDonough recused herself from this project.  Some of the violations discussed were:  a filled path for a golf cart, stream crossings, fill by the house yard, and a septic pipe exposed crossing the stream as well as bank involvement.  Mr. Arnold will have a survey done and then compare a topo map to the existing conditions of the area.  A meeting with the Board of Health is scheduled for August 10, 2015.  The character of the intermittent stream has been changed.   An agreement between the Board of Health and PCC needs to be agreed upon for the pipe crossing.   PCC would like weekly progress reports on the restoration of the involved wetlands.
  • On July 22, 2015 John Vieira, Sue Mitchell and Holly Palmgren attended a MEPA site meeting for the Route 140 Project.
  • An email from Maurice DePalo regarding 42 Pheasant Run Hollow, Princeton was discussed and determined that he will need to file a Request for Determination.
  • The PCC discussed the Fieldstone Farm Land Grant Application and the possible support from the Conservation Commission.  A site visit took place on June 20, 2015 with the PCC.  PCC voted to sign the Land Grant Application which was signed by 5 members.  Ron Thompson was recommended to be the liaison for the PCC.   A letter from Natural Heritage suggested that there were American Bittern on the property.
Minutes – July 28, 2015
Page 2

  • On August 6, 2015 at 7 PM there will be a meeting with Scott Jackson to discuss the stream crossing study in Town.  

The June 16, 2015 and July 9, 2015 minutes were accepted with minor changes.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
                                                Marsha Dowdy